Canto Cumulus Single User 8.5.2

Multilingualism, 1 TB catalogue size, user-defined sorting of categories and much more are offered by the Canto Cumulus Single User 8.5.2. Download on our website under Support/Downloads. Old serial numbers cannot be used. With valid licences for 8.0 and 8.1 you can request new serial numbers at no cost for version 8.5.2, which is also compatible with OS X Lion.

Here are the most important and revised functionalities and features:

  • Multilingual metadata
  • Multilingual system configuration, for example set and names
  • Support for 1 TB size catalogue
  • User-defined sorting of categories in category ranges
  • Format-controlled asset actions
  • Improved navigation possibilities for the full-screen view
  • Calendar validation for optimal metadata integration
  • Improved options for the writing back of metadata in assets
  • Support with the Zeiss Microscopic file format (ZVI)

Canto Cumulus Single User 8.5 is compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP as well as MacOS 10.5/10.6 and OS X Lion.

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