Colour Management

Today, in the place of the legendary “Ektachrome”, a reliable colour digital original is required. Colour management based on ICC standards shows the way. We have been concerned with this for years and have used it in practice. We are happy to share our insights and experience with you.
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Digital photography has, in the meanwhile, revolutionised the entire industry. Boundaries have been broken and the use of cross-industry colour standards are now the foundation. The “digital original” as reliable colour reference must now step in the place of the legendary “Ektachrome”, which your eyes can soft proof on-screen and make permanently accessible with digital proof on short notice. There is no longer time for complicated processes and tentative incrementalism.

Meanwhile, colour management based on the international ICC standard functions is supported by the modern MAC and PC operating systems as well as most applications. However, it is a complex issue and should not be attempted with plug-and-play software. A holistic consideration of the workflow must be made to define goals, create individual profiles, attain the correct settings, and especially to estimate the physical boundaries that cannot be overridden even with the best colour management. We gladly offer our services and professional products of the industry leaders X-Rite/GretagMacbeth, together with appropriate technical support for in-house solutions:

  • Creating ICC profiles
  • Establishing a ICC compatible workflow solution
  • CMM support and servicing of imaging systems
  • Colour management in image databases and MAM systems
  • Seminars, workshops and user forums (see appointments)
  • Individual colour management consultations

“Colour Management” as PDF


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