Cultural hackathon “Coding Da Vinci Ost 2018” successfully started

We were very pleased to witness the opening event of the Culture Hackathon at Leipzig University Library last weekend.

With over 40 data providers from several German states and over 200 participants at the opening event, this is a completely successful event. In a very diverse program, the data providers had the opportunity to present their data made available under open licenses. This was also the prelude to the formation of coding teams and the creative finding of ideas for the diverse use of the data – an exciting task with an open end in terms of both design and technology.

CDS Gromke e.K. supports the Hackathon “Coding Da Vinci Ost 2018” and would like to make a small contribution to the ongoing digitalisation of the museum and cultural world.

We wish the participants of the Hackathon every success in the next phase in which the projects will be implemented and look forward to seeing them again at the awards event on 16 June 2018.


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