Result of the face detection
Automatic Tagging of Assets
Automatic Tagging of Assets
Latest technologies enable partial or even complete automatic tagging by means of self-learning image recognition systems. Integration of such services into DAM Systems is a logical step towards future development of DAM solutions.
With „AutoTagging for Cumulus“ CDS Gromke e.K. offers a highly innovative solution providing an extensive first level tagging on the spot – an invaluable saving of time.
By integrating the Clarifai API we use the continuously growing range of possibilities to detect the contents of images.
The analysis of the images content creates automatic tagging by using Cumulus standard features. Can be used for text fields or keyword categories.
Conquer completely new ways of exploring your assets by filtering colors saved to Cumulus label fields. Helps for example to find the right image to finish a layout with images containing corresponding colors.
Automatic classification of images based on the detection of not-safe-for-work content. The system will learn on an ongoing basis and improves.
Properties like gender, culture and age and the position of the detected faces can be shown in the preview window right in Cumulus.
Let the KI detect your specific content by teaching the system to use your keywords. Makes it even more easy to maintain your metadata.
How beautiful is a landscape or a portrait? The automatic evaluation of this image quality can improve searching and filtering for special images.
For better control of tagging, the configuration can be provided with a black list or a white list to exclude or include specific tags.
See how it works in our demo environment and check the manual and documentation that is always up to date if you have a question.
While ingesting every digital asset will be tagged automatically enabling keyword search immediately after cataloguing. Prevalent colours of a subject will be recorded straight into colour label fields facilitating search for dominant colours based on standardised colour palette W3C with 140 exact defined colours. Furthermore already today customised tagging models e.g. for travel, food or marriage are available besides the general tagging model.
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