OpenCulture 2012, London

As members of the Collections Trust we will be represented in the exhibition section of this year’s OpenCulture Event from 26th to 27th June 2012 at the Kia Oval, London.

On the theme “Enhance your digital documentation by connecting Digital Asset Management to your museum database” we will demonstrate how Digital Asset Management can be used to handle media data in museums and archives efficiently.

Our stand will focus particularly on the following themes:

[toggle title=”EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF MEDIA DATA WITH DIGITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS”] Digital images, graphics, videos, audio files, PowerPoint (PPT) data etc. are increasingly putting a strain on computer networks and storage media. Digital Asset Management Systems can help bring this flood of information under control. We will demonstrate various solutions using the Cumulus database.[/toggle] [toggle title=”CONNECTING MUSEUM AND MEDIA DATABASES”] Image and media data is being created at a rapid rate in increasingly larger amounts, and this begs the question of how all this data can be easily managed and quickly made usable. Image and media databases which are suited to this purpose can be intelligently connected with already existing museum databases. In doing so all image and media data – including images not relevant to the collection such as event photos – can be made available in singular data storage together with the specialised functions of media databases, both for display in the object inventory of the museum database as well as for the media-related purposes of the museum’s PR and education departments for example – an exciting, forward-thinking subject. [/toggle] [toggle title=”COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS FOR PROVIDING A DATABASE-SUPPORTED PRESENCE ON THE INTERNET FOR SMALLER INSTITUTIONS WITHOUT AN IN-HOUSE DATABASE SERVER”] For those institutions that do not wish to support their own database server and which can manage with a single user database we can hire out space on an online media database server (ASP Application Service Providing), which allows your in-house databases – or parts of them – to synchronise with their online versions any time. The advantage of this solution is that all external data without access facility can be easily managed in-house with relatively little effort, whereas only those data sets intended for public use will be made available online.[/toggle] [full]More information can be found under Digital Asset Management in museums and archives and OpenCulture 2012.[/full]

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