Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Digital Asset Management

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collection) uses a solution by Cumulus Enterprise as its central image and media archive in a total of 15 museums. This includes the management of all PR and Communications assets, as well as all other relevant assets. An interface to the museum database Daphne has been created to ensure efficient application.

As part of CDS Gromke e.K.’s steadily growing project, the following points have been implemented:

  • Database design
  • Installation and configuration of the database, sets and users
  • Administrator training
  • Staff training
  • Integration with the museum database Daphne for efficient image workflow and object-related asset managment
  • Creating individualised web application
  • First-Level-Support (FLS) technical support


In preparation of the digital development and safeguarding of collections, CDS Gromke e.K. has carried out high-resolution digitisation on behalf of Dresden State Art Collection’s different museums:

  • Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts): Historic collection of photographic glas sheets and sheet films
  • Porcellain Collection: Ectachrome slides and sheet films of photographic collections
  • Armour Chamber: Ectachrome slides and black and white sheet films in different formats
  • GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig (GRASSI Museum of Ethnology, Leipzig): Historical photographs on albumen and gelatine paper

Parallel to the digitisation project, cross-reference lists containing the asset meta data have been created that together with the digital objects can be automatically entered into the Cumulus database, without any manual effort.


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