Cumulus Partner Meeting 2019

Cumulus Partner Meeting 2019

Event: Cumulus Partner Meeting 2019

Date and Time: 06/09/2019 - 09:00 - 15:30

Place of Event: Gromke Hoerzentrum Leipzig

Calendar Link: Add event to calendar (iCal)

Our successful “Cumulus Partner Meeting” series of events will take place again this year and you are warmly invited.

The digital tools of the daily working world offer more possibilities than ever and therefore new opportunities. This is no exception in the field of digital asset management systems, and that’s why we’d like to host this year’s event with the motto

“Diversity and modularity of DAM solutions”

for the tenth time with you. So in a way a small birthday of this event. We are already looking forward to your participation!


9:00 Uhr Registration
9:30 am Welcome Alexander Graeber / CDS Gromke e.K.
9:40 am Canto Cumulus: Latest Developments / Outlook Sebastian Picklum / Canto GmbH
10:00 am Attention Web Platform Christoph Wagner & Jesper Arenthoft / Attention Solutions ApS
10:30 am Coffee Break
11:00 am Flexibility and Productivity of DAM solutions Michael Gellner / Modula4
11:30 am Integration: Cumulus and Augias-Archiv Bettina Gries & Marcel Ruhl / Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
11:50 am Hands-On: Helpful DAM Tools Alexander Graeber / CDS Gromke e.K.
12:15 pm Lunch
Travel to Altes Rathaus Leipzig
1:30 pm Guided Tour Altes Rathaus Leipzig Ulrike Dura / Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig
3:30 pm End of event


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