Configuration of the AutoTranslate Trigger
Automatic translation of your metadata
Automatic translation of your metadata
With the latest technologies, the translation can be partially or completely automated with the help of deep learning systems. The integration of a DAM system into such services is another logical step in the further development of DAM solutions.
With “AutoTranslate for Cumulus”, CDS Gromke e.K. provides a highly innovative integration solution that gives you a fully automated translation of metadata with subsequent manual control. This saves complex reconciliations with translation service providers and the workflows remain in the application.
Usage of the DeepL Translation API directly in Cumulus. Translation provider from Germany that respects the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz.
Usage of Google “Neural Machine Translation” or “Phrase-Based Machine Translation” directly in Cumulus
With the help of the multilingual fields it is easy to make use of the translation both in records and categories
The recognition of sentence structure and context helps in the quality of the translation
Cumulus triggers enable the translation to be performed without delay.
The translation is stored in normal multilingual Cumulus metadata fields, allowing the work with familiar tools to control the translation.
See how it works in our demo environment and check the manual and documentation that is always up to date if you have a question.
Once the text in a multilingual field is changed, the translation gets started and can be checked immediately in the user interface. By using field multilingualism in Cumulus, the search for these translated information is very easy.
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